Friday, August 11, 2023

April In August


As promised, as I move on to the month of April, it starts getting a lot more varied in the Temperature Quilt. Higher highs are happening which of course is not surprising, but it's fun to see the colors in my quilt change. For your reference, the near neon yellow is 76-80 (3 days), yellow is 81-85(5 days), and the cheddar yellow-orange is 86-90(2 days). 
I've got my little pressing station set up right next to my sewing machine. I'm using a shot of Best Press spray on each piece as I press each little seam open. Hopefully all that starching will help stabilize things a bit when I'm sewing the columns to the sashing. And then I lay down the wooden clapper on it just to get it locked in and flat. As long as I do this sewing before it gets too hot in my sewing room it's fine to be so close to the hot iron. Honestly I think that the wool mat that I'm using seems to absorb the heat.
The first six days of the month are all sewn together and it's looking good so far.

I went through my temperature data versus the number of pieces of fabric I have cut for the next few months, and I definitely have some dyeing to do before I can move on to May and beyond.
Specifically I need these two for May, plus something for the 91-95 range which will be an orange. Time to get going on some dyeing. Fingers crossed that I can come close enough color-wise.

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