Thursday, April 20, 2023

Tracking Trinket

 I have been keeping track of the Trinkets blocks I've been making on the handy dandy printout that was provided as part of the Trinket SAL. I'm using colored pencils to color in the blocks as I do them. At first I was thinking I'd cut these out and glue stick them into position on the grid layout that was also provided.  But then a suggestion was made in the SAL group....a spreadsheet.

Don't laugh, I'm a sucker for a good spreadsheet idea. Is it a teeny bit fiddly, oh yes. Is it as fiddly as coloring in and then cutting out and glueing in a tiny little square? Maybe about the same really. Will I do both? It's absolutely possible verging on probable. 

Main reason is to make sure I've got the right amounts of the various colors represented in the quilt layout. Seeing just these first ten blocks up there with the black squares is doing wonders for me to visualize how this is going to look in the end. It is a little hard to conjure up on my own. Playing around with the actual Trinket blocks will be the most fun way to keep track of the color representation though. But I will have to get to the point where there are enough of them to make that worthwhile to do. Onwards!

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