Saturday, January 14, 2023

Iron Generation

 I finally got to try out some ironing powered by the generator. My DH asked me to tell him when I turned on the iron, he wanted to see how much it would affect the generator we have powering the house. It really dipped down to accommodate the sudden surge, then evened out, every time the iron needed to re-heat itself, another surge, but it held up and didn't poop out on us. Irons really take a lot of power. We don't usually think about it, except maybe at retreats when a bunch of irons and machines are plugged in and breakers are tripped.

I finished sewing another Clover block and now there were 3 that needed pressing so that I can sew them together for 4 finished blocks.

I finally got to try out my new wool pressing mat (Oliso Felt Pro-Press Link) and it worked really well. Here's the before, a big wrinkly mess that I didn't want to try sewing together with the other 3/4 blocks.

Nice and flat! And not wet wool smelling at all (phew).

Here they all are, nice and ironed, but only one of the Clover blocks is sewn together so far.

As seen from the side angle. That's the "please photograph me" pile of quilts in the center. And my studio assistant on the red fabric.

Nicely ironed fabric is of course, a great place to take a bath.

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