Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Paper Sewing

I haven't been doing too much sewing the last few days, but I did sew some paper today. Specifically Rancho Gordo "Bean Club" paper. This is a nice thick printed packing paper that's in our regular shipment of their very awesome beans four times a year.

But what could it be, with just one line of sewing?

It is a cat tunnel of course. She's been playing with the last shipment's piece of paper all this time, I thought I'd up the fun a bit for her.  We shall see how long it lasts...
She's pretty happy about this new paper format. We're calling this the upstairs paper. The other stays flat and remains downstairs. The reason is that she likes to run then belly flop and slide on the wood floor underneath it to "hide". Hard to do that maneuver on carpet.

She's been hiding in it for hours since I sewed it up for her. A good use of my sewing time I'd say.


Jaye said...

She is such a cheap date, but maybe a better description is master recycler?

Julie Zaccone Stiller said...

She's definitely a master recycler, the pieces of cast-off stuff that she finds worthwhile to play with is rather astonishing.