Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Covered Up

This has been my only sewing for the past week.

Two cheap-o terrycloth towels sewn together on three sides to put over our rear-view mirrors.

All three cars' side mirrors were getting used by the birds as their toilets. Bleah. There was a last straw situation when my DH washed the car, took the dog for a walk, came back and the mirrors were coated *again*.

So these worked out and were very easy to make, certainly not worth all the applause I received. I made six of them, two for each car, no closures or anything, we just slipped them over and pushed the mirrors back.

Sorry not sorry, birds.


Jaye said...

I think the birds are going crazy. I saw a flock-ette (4) of hummingbirds today. that is more than I have seen in awhile, though they love our bottlebrush plant. I guess they are just like other creatures and taking advantage of humans not being around. Pooing on your cars is annoying and you made a great solution. What is above the cars?

Julie Zaccone Stiller said...

What?! That's wild I've never seen four altogether like that. Yes, bottlebrush is one of their faves. The birds really seem to like the mirrors, just like my old parakeet.