Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Rotating Color Collusion

 Here's a better picture of Color Collusion, with all the stitching done. It is hard to see it until you're close up, but you can see the texture which is the effect that I wanted to achieve. This is the direction I chose to be the "right way", but I thought it would be fun to show it all four possibilities. One of the goals with making abstract work is trying to make a piece that works no matter which direction you turn it to display.

Note: The following three pictures are from just rotating the photo around, not turning the piece around and re-photographing it again. So the lighting isn't uniform through all the pictures since I wasn't using my special photo light set-up.

I almost chose to use this direction, but went with the other horizontal.
So, I guess I really do like it in all four directions. To me, that means it's a successful abstract piece.
Another detail picture because I really like this particular section and how it turned out.

Okay, now to figure out how to finish the edges (square up and add facing or??) and get the sleeve stitched on to call this  one done for my finish-a-long list!

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