Monday, September 16, 2019

Slurpee Squared Stitched

I've gotten the additional hand-stitching done on the squaring up the edge slivers on Slurpee Squared. That means all this piece needs is facings, a hanging sleeve and a label to be able to count it as done for my quarter 3 Finish-a-Long. I am also toying with getting this framed, but I'm not sure I like the idea of glass getting in between the viewer and all that hand-stitching I did. It's just so *touchable*.
I think it blends in pretty well now that it's stitched. And once part of it is pulled around with the facings, it'll be fine.
The fusible really has held up well over all these twelve years of being handled and carried around in my car trip bag. Steam-a-Seam 2 for the win...

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