Sunday, December 08, 2024

Color(s) of the Year

I always enjoy when the Color of the Year is announced for the upcoming year. There's a whole lot that goes into choosing the Pantone one, and it's used in all sorts of industries, from fashion to furnishings and beyond.  They're supposedly "capturing the zeitgeist" with this color choice. Not sure how true or useful that is, but it's still a fun exercise. The choice this year is a really lovely one to my eye (especially compared to last year's).

Pantone: Mocha Mousse is a warm mid to light brown. Spoonflower has a great selection of fabric and wallflower prints using this color. I'm not sure which solid color fabric that's out there is closest, I'm going to go through my solid stash and see. And also look through the Pantone Project postcards to see if there's a close one, there were a lot of browns represented. Some would say too many!

I think that Mocha Mousse will go quite well with the Kona cotton solid color of the year choice of:

Kona: Nocturne  which is a fairly dark purple. I think it would be fun to use this color as a neutral in some modern quilts. It reminds me of darker purple I used for the Trinket quilt.

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