More sewing of blocks for the Old Town mystery quilt happened at the BAMQ Sew Day. I got some more sets of flying geese done.
I also cut out and sewed together red and neutral strips for the second clue which is making a whole bunch of four-patches. I made quite a few of them, but then I got too busy socializing and made a mistake of sewing together two pairs of the two-strip pairs the long way instead of cutting segments and sewing. Whoops!
After some un-sewing and then cutting and sewing together into four patches a whole lot of them got finished at home. I really have to remember to bring more boring projects to Sew Day. Not that this is super intricate piecing of course, but I was trying to read the pattern directions on my phone and then I'd get interrupted between steps and...mistakes were made. No worries, it was well worth the time getting to talk to people.
And when I actually followed the great directions in the pattern, there's this very cool thing that happens at the four-patch intersection. I look forward to seeing how that helps when I sew all these blocks together further on into the quilt.
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