Friday, September 27, 2024

Back to Metro Twist

 I had a lot of fun at a BAMQ Sew Day held yesterday at one of our member's home instead of the usual place we gather. I didn't take any pictures while I was there because I was enjoying talking with people and sewing so much instead. So here's some pictures of what I sewed while I was there up on my design wall at home. I only brought one easily portable project with me that fit in my sewing machine rolling case. Of course that meant I didn't remember to bring my tool bag (d'oh) and thus had to switch up my plans as I had no scissors, rotary cutter or mat. I was originally going to piece together the leftover fabrics from making the Metro Twist quilt top blocks to make up a back for it.

Instead of sewing big pieces and trimming them as I went, I spent my time sewing the rest of the leftovers from trimming the Metro Twist blocks into these kite shapes.
I had done a couple last year so I already knew that they turned into pretty cool shapes. These may or may not end up in their own quilt, or possibly actually go on the back. I could also see putting them into a border somehow too as the Metro Twist top seems a little unfinished without one.


  1. These look so cool. I think a piece of their own would be great! Table runner, maybe?

  2. I think they might be a piece of their own, depends on what shape I turn them into next.


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