Sunday, May 05, 2024

A Chair Re-Padded


We have two extra dining room type of chairs around the house, and they've both had the gold texture-y upholstery fabric absolutely shredded by several generations of cats. They both needed recovering, but only one got removed from the chair so that I could work on it. I glued together pieces of the leftover memory foam pad (from making outdoor bench pads) into pieces of franken-foam that would be close enough to the right shape and size. It's a very squish-able and not super firm type of foam that will be able to be manipulated into shape.

I measured out some of the upholstery fabric that I had left over from making a futon cover 16 years ago. It's still an interesting pattern but in a rather boring color way. If only this was bright colors! Maybe next time the chair needs recovering...
After a million staples and some hammering and folding and cutting, it's all secured and done.

My DH installed it (it just screws back on) and now it awaits the next few generations of cats. So far, they've just been sitting on it nicely to look out the window.
So now I need to get the next one done, as the rest of the Franken-Foam is awaiting.

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