Saturday, December 19, 2020

EQ8 Confessions

A major announcement: I finally installed my copy of Electric Quilt 8!! 

I bought it for myself back in November 2017 from MassDrop (RIP MassDrop). And then it just slipped my mind. I'm not sure exactly why, probably has a lot to do with having bought it in the immediate post-hip replacement surgery time. A lot of stuff came and went and I legitimately do not remember a lot of it at all (terrifyingly real).

Anyways, the box got put away with a stack of books. I found the box a year ago. And I didn't install it at the time, because I had some issues with space on my laptop. I finally got that resolved and had room. Then my next excuse was because I thought the program was on a disc, and my laptop doesn't have a disc drive. We have one that plugs in, but I kept putting it off because I had to go find it and plug it in and make it work. Wild how the procrastination just piles on itself huh? 

Over the summer I signed up for a couple EQ8 related classes at QuiltCon 2021 as a way to make myself install and learn this program after all this time. They recently sent out the class supply lists and I was reminded that hey...I need to install this program and actually get some facility with it before going into a class to learn something else about using it.

But as I wrote about yesterday, friend Jaye sent me a link to an EQ 7 and Cricut project, and it made me get the actual box out.

Here it is, and look, on the back, a coffee cup stain! This box has been around here 3 years.

 And what do you know, once I actually opened the box, lo and behold, it's a digital install, no disc. Just easy peasy, took all of five minutes once I got signed in on the website. So now, down to learning...

1 comment:

  1. GREAT job!!! I didn't even know you had this until recently.

    Be kind to yourself in learning this program. It is great for what it does, but it doesn't do everything. It is also a super complex CAD-type (??) program so it takes time to learn. It is really useful even if you can just do basic stuff like me. My math challenges really manifest when I am trying to design a new block.

    Feel free to ask me any questions.


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