Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Wandering Wednesday - English Countryside on my teacup

We took a load of donations to our local Goodwill and then we decided to look around. Just for fun you know. And what do you know, there was a bunch of Wedgwood china on the racks. The lovely and intricate images of the English countryside are very relaxing. The cups feel nice to hold.

 Two cups and saucers came home with us. Intentionally chose one that was a little different looking than the other.

I started looking into the potential age of the particular pieces we'd just bought.
 And it's all over the map. But fun to delve into all those china websites.
Each makers mark is different.

 So I haven't determined exactly, but it was fun traveling through the web and learning about Wedgwood and so forth.

Turns out the two saucers aren't even shaped the same.
One is more of a bowl.
This all made me think of one of the pitchers I inherited from my Grandma.


  1. A different kind of art for sure. How nice that you bought a couple of cups. Beth has been using the china teacups she inherited from Ruth at Craft Night. It is nice. I still like my travel mug for keeping my tea hot, though.

  2. They are very small cups, especially compared to my usual tea or coffee mugs. That's cool that Beth is using the china teacups at Craft Night, lovely stuff we own should get used.


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