Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Sewing With Generator

 Well so our power did go out, at 9:12 pm on Saturday night. Five minutes and 39 second before the end of the movie we we're watching! If you haven't see it, highly recommend watching on Netflix: "The Man Who Knew Too Little" with Bill Murray. It's 1997 Bill Murray, and very very funny and very very 90's. Anyways...our power just went back on at 11:30AM today, Tuesday, so that's been a few days of running our generator.

I finally broke down and plugged my sewing machine and one light into the many many extension cords my husband ran upstairs for us to use. And what do you know it worked! I was a little hesitant because of blowing up the machine's brain in China due to different power wiring. But this was fine and worked very well.
It was so nice getting to sew a little, it's in the room furthest from the generator so I could enjoy a bit of quiet. I got about half of the back for the Kaffe Blue Squares quilt sewn together, but not pressed as I had no iron plugged in.

How do you like my Halloween manicure? One side is grey/black and the other is orange, you can tell I got bored with the power off if I'm painting my nails!

Okay, off to the sewing room to get what I sewed together pressed and carry on. We've been informed that our power goes off again tonight at 9pm for another "wind event". sigh.


  1. I forgot to ask you about the Powerwall yesterday. Glad you got to sew and you are getting something done. You seem to be making a lot of progress this year. Do you have a post like my 26 Projects post? Or do you just keep the UFO list to yourself? ;-)

  2. Oh yeah the power wall, we haven't done anything about it, except look up how much $$ it'll cost to get installed.
    Am I making progress this year, I guess so? It's thanks to that Finish-a-long list thing. I don't have a public post like your 26 projects post, but I do have a UFO database list thing. Maybe I'll fess up at some point and go public!


I'd love to read what you think about this post!