Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Running Out Of Rain Cloud Assemble


As of today, all cut out and ready to sew the rest together. The Ruby+Bee challenge quilt is now closer to being an actual quilt top that I can quilt and finish in time to submit. I'm looking forward to seeing the final result. I've decided the title I came up with a bit ago, Running Out of Rain Cloud still works. Rain Cloud is the name of the color of the fabric I ran out of, the grey-blue.

The new fabric arrived and was washed, and after I ironed it to do the rotary cutting. I had a momentary freakout. The fabric looked like the wrong color to me. It looked so much more blue, like light blue, not grey blue as seen here. Not until I held it up to the fabric already up on the wall did I relax. It's fine. It's just the difference in lighting I guess. I was looking at it near the windows which are fairly bright and that changes quite a bit about how we see the various colors. Also, now I have to worry about my new-fangled cataracts, is this where the issues are starting? Hope not!

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