Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Wandering Wednesday - Oregon Coast

 On my second drive down the Oregon Coast with my DH, we stopped at some different places and enjoyed the variation in the fog levels. On our first day, after Yachats, we pulled off 101 to check out Thor's Well, which was super sunny and very windy. It looked like a fun place to hang out go tide pooling, there was a big trail that went around. The waves were hypnotic and booming in the "sinkholes"
The next day we were in Coos Bay and drove all the way out to the very end of Cape Arago to the state park there.
 It was very foggy and I was thrilled to actually be cold after our hot days in Portland. We could tell that the fog was just about to lift.From the point we could hear the sounds of sea lions echoing in the bay.
It started getting a little more sunny.

And then it was fogged in again. I just loved it.

This state park was very long and I was glad that part of it was a super easily accessible flat beach, there were a lot of kayakers coming in and out of the small bay.
Further south we stopped at a pullout with an enormous rock and a very wide sunny beach.
There's my DH way  out on that beach near Hunter's Creek in Gold Beach.
This is the famous Kissing Rock I guess?
A bit further south we stopped at one of the many opportunities in the Samuel Boardman Scenic Corridor. This was the lovely paved trail down to Lone Ranch Beach.
I could have spent all day here, it was just so beautiful. 
There were so many interesting rock formations to walk around.
This one looked like spiderwebs to me, but it's different types of rock, some worn away by the waves, some left behind (I think probably granite.)
Almost every time I go to a beach I take some version of this picture. I think it'd be a beautiful quilt design.
Barnacles ahoy! 
And anemones ahoy!
That was really fun seeing the Oregon coast two times in a month. I feel really lucky and pretty much filled up with ocean views for a while now.


  1. Such beautiful photos! You'll be the tour guide next time we go.

  2. Thanks! I'll be happy to be tour guide next time.


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