Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Untitled So Far

I'm working on making a quilt to submit to the Ruby+Bee fabric MQG challenge this year. This is what I'm starting out with from a design I did in EQ8. It may change a bit due to the amounts of each color of fabric that I have to work with. Also the outer edge is a much much darker color in real life. This is an 8 patch design which I really had fun with stretching these "normal" quilt blocks to fit.
I've just gotten started on cutting and piecing the top and I am really Loving The Color palette soooo much this year. This super wild color on top is called Turmeric. And now I want to make a Grellow/Turmeric quilt.
So far so good on the piecing. Fairly big simple blocks in odd sizes/shapes.
I've already gotten three of the blocks done and I'm cutting out the pieces for the rest of them.
Now to start thinking of a good title.

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