Monday, August 12, 2024

Here Comes November


I had to take the City Sampler down today because I am once again out of the sashing fabric that I'll be using for the final border of the top. It's on order and coming this week, but I wanted to work on something new. Well, not new, but really getting kinda old at this point--The Temperature Quilt. Specifically the month of November. Yes, the end of this endless piecing is finally maybe almost in sight.... 

At this point I'm going to say I'm looking forward to sewing these columns all together into a finished quilt top. It's funny to me to see how much of each temperature range I cut in excess of what I needed for some unknown reason. I probably got on a roll cutting and was listening to a book or podcast. Will all those extra half-hexies be pieced together for the back?

 For a pillow cover that I made during the Journey2Nebula, like perhaps anotherLucky Charm or 

maybe a Jawbreaker?

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