Saturday, August 31, 2024

August Cornucopia

August was undoubtedly a hot one! Hopefully I was outside in the garden or walking my dog. I was probably inside reading or enjoying something online for part of the time. Here are some links to those things I think are worth passing on to you. 


Here's a useful explanation for those who have noticed coconuts and palm trees in people's signatures on social media, it's all in support of Kamala Harris, but why? Now you know.


I can't even quantify how much I want these indigo dyed shoes, so beautiful. And the picture with the indigo dyed hand holding the shoe is gorgeous as well.


You've heard of ice dyeing, but how about bubble dyeing? What a cool idea, I think I might need to try this out, but not on a super windy day. Although that could be another technique entirely.


I really like this Kamala design from Modern Quilt Studio, with all proceeds going to the campaign.


Be sure and check out the auction preview for SAQA's annual benefit. Over 440 pieces are available.


This interview and the accompanying pictures with Beatrice Mayfield: The Queen of Beads are terrific. She beaded one of the pieces in the HBO show House of the Dragon. So interesting to see her other work.


Hmmm, maybe I should actually clean my iron proactively. Not a thing I've done, but I'm going to try it.


Amazing news in Science, UC Berkeley researchers have discovered a possible solution to the ever-present Plastics Problem.  Kind of hopeful really, let's hope it can work at scale.


A new song from a favorite band is always an unexpected pleasure. This video though is super interesting and I'd love to learn how to do this sort of digital art. Don't Get Me Started - The Smile


New to me podcasts: From The Smithsonian - There's More To That. and Factually! with Adam Conover.

Essential listening that I still recommend, the latest season of Rachel Maddow's Ultra, it's the context setting that will help you to understand what's going on in the country right now.

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