Tuesday, May 28, 2024

9 Bohemian Wife Strips


A lot more of the 60 Bohemian Wife "background" strips are up on the design wall along with the 72 blocks. Nine strips to be specific, all of them cut up into the line segments required. This is feeling like a Geometry pop quiz all of a sudden. Good thing I liked Geometry as a math subject! A bunch more strips are cut out and all labeled, but I'm putting them up in order from left to right so that I don't get confused. (Or more confused)
So far, so good I think, the blocks are distinct but also blending in with the background. That was the look that I was going for, instead of having something like a calmer, all solids or read-as-solid prints look. 
It's a bit of a mess, as was expected. I mean, I wouldn't usually put these particular 34 fabrics together. Thirty four different fabrics are in just this one picture...wow. So, yeah, it's going to be A Lot when it's all together. I'm almost to the point where I can try sewing together this first section. It took a bit to get confident on the instructions that I'm using to supplement the original pattern. 

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