Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Return of City Sampler


The first project I started working on at the retreat was sewing the rest of the between-the-blocks sashing to the blocks for my City Sampler that didn't have it applied yet.
I was really glad that I'd used these straight pins that have the numbers to keep track of the rows as I went along. It's a lot of blocks!
The whole time I was working on these I kept saying to myself, "Oh wow! This one is so great! I dyed that fabric? It's beautiful!" I was really happy to jump back into this colorful project.
Finally, all of the 90 blocks out of 100 that needed a sashing piece had one attached.
And then  all 100 blocks were sewn into 10 rows of 10 blocks. The next step was applying long pieces of the same fabric to the bottom of each row. And then to sew those together and press each and every long seam towards the sashing. I didn't take pictures of this step as it was rather involved and I was getting very tired. 

But then unfortunately, I ran out of sashing fabric. As I'd cut the sashing pieces out years ago, I can't remember if I knew that or just cut a bunch and figured I'd cut more later. Anyway, now I have to find the Exact Gray Solid to continue. Wish me luck on that one. I don't have a picture of the 7 rows that got sewn together but I'll put it up on my design wall and post it later.


  1. I love your version of the City Sampler SOOOO much!! It is gorgeous. I forgot how gorgeous it is. Your fussy cutting (those snails!!!) is amazing. Great job!

  2. Thank you very much, I certainly spent some worthwhile time on the fussy cutting. It's hard not to with the Tula Pink fabrics. I had to go look at your City Sampler and I really love it, so cohesive and soothing, but still fascinating and full of patterns to enjoy.


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