Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Economy Wife

Here's how all the rest of the Economy Blocks (Square In A Square) turned out. These are the 4.5" unfinished, 4" finished blocks. I'm very happy with the fussy cutting that I bothered to do for a few of these.
And here's the rest of the 3.5" unfinished, 3" finished blocks. Some of these fabric combos are shall we say...rather challenging! But they're going to work in the quilt with all the other contrast and pattern going on.
Here's how that one fabric combination test went. I think that I like both versions, but the smiley fish kind of sort of fussy cut centered works the best for me.

I think all of the blocks for the Bohemian Wife quilt are done now except for a few of these SQinaSQ blocks need to be border-framed and/or put on point. Then it's all down to choosing the fabrics to use for the background strips.

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