Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Cord Stopper Bonanza


I've been getting tired of tying and untying the straps on my favorite go-to mask. So I ordered some cord-stoppers. It really works well as long as I take care not to get my hair taken up in the thing. You can get a good fit on the mask and they don't slip.

I didn't check the quantity. And when the bag arrived I had a good laugh. Anyone needs some cord-stoppers? Let me know and I'll send you some.

And then of course I had to sort them out by color. I couldn't resist. Is that an OCD thing? I have no idea, but it was rather relaxing to do.

I think this might be one of my favorite inadvertent cellphone pictures I've ever taken by accident. 


  1. Great colors! Not the usual. I have a mask with a cord stopper that works very well. I used the Hikoo yarn/t-shirt material yarn with the cord stopper. I might take you up on your offer!

  2. Ok let me know if need any!


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