Wednesday, April 01, 2020

No Wandering Allowed Wednesday

Sigh. Feeling like the skeleton of this once productive and useful leaf.

So no wandering about for a while now. We've been pretty locked down in the house since the second week of March. And it's looking like we'll maybe be allowed out and about by the end of May...maybe? But, hey the lilacs are blooming like crazy:

Getting pretty bored in a house full of stuff to do, along with two of the people I love most in the world here with me safe (and also quite bored). Lucky lucky lucky we are. Oh the privilege to be bored, right? The orchids keep on blooming, because that's what they do, even in a pandemic.

So back to blogging, why not?


  1. Glad you are back to blogging! Yes, it is a first world problem to be bored in a "house full of stuff to do". I love that line. I guess we need to get used to this new reality and be more self-motivated since 'being busy' with a lot of places to go is no longer our reality.

    That orchid is gorgeous. Now go sew something!!! :)

  2. Here I am, yes! Definitely helps to pass the time and keep motivated. It's a new state of "being busy" I suppose. Going to sew, yep!


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