Friday, January 10, 2020

Mega Pinnie

Check this wonderful thing out, it's a Mega Pinnie that friend Jaye made for me for Christmas. It has a Mini Pinnie attached via that awesome giant purple button. The handle on the top is so great for moving it around your workspace or from room to room. 

It's kind of like having a bucket of your most necessary tools, but you don't have to dig around in the bucket to find certain things. Oh and it's a giant pincushion too. The triangular zipper bag that's clipped on holds a big pair of scissors.

The fabulous purple fabrics that she used are so perfect for me. Thanks, Jaye!


  1. I am so glad you like it and the way you describe it "It's kind of like having a bucket of your most necessary tools, but you don't have to dig around in the bucket to find certain things" is perfect!

  2. It really is a great thing, and I love the cheery fabrics you used for it.


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