Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Wandering Wednesday - Stevens Creek Canyon

 Our tradition on New Year's Day is to go on some sort of hike. This year we chose to meet up with family at Rancho San Antonio in Cupertino.
 But on the way there, we got a flat tire.  I took the previous two pictures as the pit crew changed the ripped up tire out for the spare.
They were Very Fast, I timed them and it was all of 8 minutes, whew!
Then once we got back into cell phone range, we got a call from my parents that there was no parking. Alternative plans were made and we drove over to Vasona Park.
Had a lovely walk, but while we were sitting on the top of the dam, eating oranges, my cellphone decided to take a swim, so I have no pictures from that point on the hike. Alex was quick-thinking and ran down the steep concrete dam to retrieve it from the water.
It luckily mostly survived after spending a couple of days in a bag of rice.

The weather was beautiful, cool and clear, all the dogs being walked looked very happy, the one that was in the stroller...not so much, he just looked confused.
We finished up with some great pizza at a place open on New Year's Day, a good way to begin the new year. (Except for the flat tire and the wet cell phone.)

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