Monday, January 21, 2019

My First Apron

 Last weekend I was at the CQFA retreat, and the very first thing I finished was this apron. I used the open tables before everyone got there to lay the fabric out and cut the pieces out.
 I just realized that I've never made an apron before, and I'm glad it was this one, and that it's actually for me.
I bought the pattern and fabric from Heartway International/Patpourri at PIQF last year.
I made sure that the pocket was the right size for my cellphone!
 The pattern was super easy to figure out, the directions were clear, and I loved that it wasn't a paper pattern, but instead a lightweight interfacing.

 I used a two-sided printed fabric with the idea that it could possibly be reversible. It is a very lightweight canvas feel, so it has a nice weight to it, and I think it'll stand up to being washed. As you can see it is quite bright, one will be running into me in the kitchen with this thing on.
Apparently I was so pleased with myself for actually finishing something I couldn't manage to keep my eyes open. Photo credits to friend Jaye.


  1. That apron is a really great design! The fabric you chose is wonderful. I like the fussy cutting you did on the pockets. Are you using it?

  2. I've been wearing it in my sewing workroom, so far it hasn't made it downstairs to the kitchen.

  3. Cool! Too bad you didn't make the pockets larger. You might need to make a new one with a tool belt like addition for your scissors, seam ripper, etc.

  4. I bought the same pattern at Road2CA last weekend! It looks cool. I like that there are no ties. I love your fabric choice.
    Mrs. K.


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