Saturday, July 08, 2017

Recent Flora & Fauna

 Meg lying down in the bed of naked ladies (Amaryllis Belladona) before the green leaves turn brown.
 Good to see Bucky is growing up strong. We name the deer something different every year, because it's hard to tell them apart. Bucky likes to stare down Meg while she's barking at him.
 Acanthus flower spike.
 Crazy out of control butterfly bush, it was a cutting I stuck in the ground to see if it would grow. And now it's fifteen feet tall and wide. We cut it back by half every year. Boy do the butterflies every like it.
 And the many shades of wild sweet peas. I enjoy these, I really do, but they are so invasive and such a bully in the yard, taking over and blocking out the plants I'm trying to grow. And they don't smell too great (compared to the mannerly cultivated ones.)
Closeup with an instagram filter.

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