Wednesday, November 02, 2011


Yesterday I showed you a small detail of this quilt that is on the show postcard for the California Fiber Artists "California Currents" show at the EBMUD gallery, and today here is a picture of the whole thing.  This is my piece called WaterWord.

 And some more detail shots so you can see some of the stamping and writing I did on the quilt surface.  This was all done after the quilting was completed.
 I used a several times over-dyed piece of muslin that had some writing in sharpie which still showed through to the other side a bit, so it had a textured look already along the edge.  I wrote over those showing through markings with several different pens with the phrase
"The Word For The World Is Water".

Here's the artist statement that I wrote that explains the choice of those words:

Artist Statement:
The Word for the World is Water which is written several times on the piece is a take on the Ursula LeGuin short story title "The Word for the World is Forest". It just came to mind as I worked on this piece, I found that I liked the rhythm of the words and how they looked as I wrote them flowing along the edge representing a shoreline. The squares and rectangles represent the human imposed water systems and controls. The natural state of water and the managed state of water both working together to sustain humanity.

This quilt contains hand-dyed muslin, quilting cottons and upholstery weight fabrics.

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