Sunday, January 03, 2010

Gifts of Silk

One of the few good things about having a husband that travels as part of his work is that he occasionally has time to go shopping in far off and exotic places. Lately he's been going to China a lot, and has gotten to know the city he stays in and went off and found a....Fabric Store! Specifically a Silk Store. So I got a nice big package of these luscious silks for Christmas. They're all different types and weights in colors that I really really love. I have no idea what they'll end up in, but I love that he knows I love silk, and that he knows what colors would make me happy.
When he goes back to China later this month he said he'd go get more if I wanted anything in particular...Hmmm, do I?

What a question!


  1. YES!!!!! Yes you DO!!! :)
    Wow--those are gorgeous and I am duly jealous (in a healthy way!! LOL!!) and with the colors, I can see you working them into something absolutely fantastic.
    And you know, more is ALWAYS better! ;)
    Lovely lovely gift! Lucky girl!


  2. Nice husband!
    I got brakes, tires and springs, but I needed them.


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