Monday, December 08, 2008

Sometimes I Wish I Was Small

Don't you wish you were really, really small sometimes? I was taking a macro shot of recent threads trimmed off of dyed fabrics and marveling at how soft and inviting it looks so close up.
I found myself wishing I could shrink down to the teeny tiny size that would be able to nestle and snuggle into this tangled, soft, colorful nest. I know reading "The Borrowers" series of books always got my imagination going.


  1. Anonymous4:44 PM

    are you going to make something with these or maybe gift the birds with some new threads LOL!
    :-D eirdre

  2. Anonymous7:44 PM

    I want to be small enough to cuddle up next to Kaga like Willow does and be surrounded by soft fur.

  3. yea, i was thinking the same as deidre you felt?

    the seuss play sounds fun...i think...i think i've decided what books to get my grandson for holiday :)


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