I'm having some minor surgery today, so I'm writing this just past midnight to keep up with posting everyday. Which I can't believe I've actually done so far this month, thanks to the incentive posed by nablopomo.
I'll tell you, so far the record is Waaaay better than I'm doing on my Nanowrimo.
Aren't these roses a wonderful surprise for the middle of November? They sure smell good too. sshhhh, don't tell them what month it is!
Here is how my front lawn looks. Someone *ahem* who shall remain nameless decided to smash theirs on the front lawn instead of the traditional launching off the deck down to the garden we usually do (in hopes of volunteer pumpkins next year). Guess next summer I'll be mowing around the front yard pumpkin patch...And to prove that absolutely anything looks better in a kaleidoscope:
Homemade Olive Status Check:
Olive check, so far so good! They are plumping up nicely, the skin is splitting a bit, and the water smells very olive-licious when it gets drained every day. Mostly by me. sigh. We're almost to the brine making stage.
Best wishes on surgery today. Such beautiful roses are a positive sign.