Friday, May 25, 2007

Do It Anyways

To remind me of my new motto is "Do It Anyways", I made myself this bracelet. It seems to be working pretty well to keep me going when I feel like giving up and taking a nap. I made this with silver memory wire and buri beads from FireMountain, the letter beads that you can find anywhere, and a couple of fiberoptic/cats' eye beads I had in my bead stash. This is the first time I've worked with the memory wire, and it is pretty cool stuff.

I don't know why, but I felt the need to show you my favorite pair of socks. Which I just re-located both of them at the same time, so the pair is reunited and happy on my feet. They are very high cotton content, stretchy enough at the top, smooth, soft and lightweight. And of course, the colors look great with my green Crocs. I wish I remembered the brand of these socks, I'd go buy more of them!

I found a good pattern for the bag fabric that I purchased to make a spring/summer bag. Only took me a month! At this rate it will be a summer/fall bag. Hopefully it will go together quickly enough. It is from The Sewing Workshop, the L2 bag. Oops, Oh my, I just looked at it in the pic on the website and it is way too big to carry around all the time, I'll have to resize it for my purposes... Fall/winter bag perhaps?

1 comment:

  1. julie - i had meant to mention your bracelet when i saw you in bezerkeley. i noticed it right away but people were talking and i didn't want to interrupt...then i forgot.

    but i think it's wonderful.

    I like the way the photo of your socks and crocs makes it looks like the crocs go to a small doll. perspective = cooool!

    the bag looks way groovy. can't wait to see the final product.


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