Thursday, February 01, 2007

ArtShare MeMe

Thanks Deirdre! She sent me a beautiful little quilt for her ArtShare MeMe contribution. Isn't it great?!?! This is is her very first abstract. I love the irregular edges, and the mysterious landscape feel the shapes and colors evoke. Anyways, go check out her blog: Deirdre's Sloppy Studios to see her non-abstract, yet still wonderful quilt art works.

And yes, this is a reminder to me to actually send out some art to emmy,cara,dilling,marion and deirdre. I haven't forgotten. Just too covered in construction debris to make a dent in my art to-do list. Sorry folks. But I will send you something eventually!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:27 PM

    I am so glad that you like it! It was really fun to do and I would love to try doing more abstracts one of these days!


I'd love to read what you think about this post!