Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Halfway to Glam

For Self-Portrait Challenge this month the topic is Glam.
So here I am as of today, only halfway from last months' study of imperfections, on the road to glam.
Note: It is really quite hard to makeup only one side of your face! Those automatic reflexes kick in without any conscious thought. Luckily no one came calling before I could scrub half of myself clean since I look pretty darned demented!


  1. my goodness julie, both side are beautiful in dividually, but together they are scary!!!

  2. I bet that IS hard! It makes for a funny pic.

  3. I love it, great way to step into the new challenge

  4. so funny...
    I must admit, I had to cover each side of the pic to see the two 'yous' properly...!
    Great idea!

  5. Anonymous1:43 PM

    what a great/creative idea....I don't know if I would have the patience to do that...

  6. At first I didn't realize why it didn't look right, but dang, that's spooky! I did the look at each side individually thing, and then you looked great. But together - demented woman!


I'd love to read what you think about this post!