Thursday, April 20, 2006

Make or Buy?

How would you make this?
Or would you just buy it?
$89 is the price.
I wants precioussss.....
It says it is woven with cotton "novelty yarn".


  1. Hmm.. how to make it? Make a large base of neutral colored denim, lay the yanrs over it, stitch like mad, and cut away the spaces.

    Easier to buy.

  2. I'd buy it.

    Well, ok, actually at $89 I wouldn't buy it, but if I had more money I would, or I'd wait for it to go on clearance and then buy it. Making it sounds like a PITA.

  3. It looks crocheted to me, and real easy to make. I know what I'd do.....

    Shirley in NZ

  4. Buy and make a quilt. ;-)


I'd love to read what you think about this post!