Tuesday, January 17, 2006

United in Pink

I'm SO not a knitter at all, but I happened to notice a blurb in the paper about a cool project supporting breast cancer research for those who DO knit.

It is called United in Pink and the project goal is to knit the world's longest scarf by this spring.
Fifty miles or longer in pink yarn. That is kinda hard to visualize! And I am tempted to ask someone to try one more time to teach me how to knit just so I can participate...
The local store that has info and is sponsoring this project is the Golden Fleece in Santa Cruz. (I love that store name!)

So those of you reading this that happen to frequent knitting blogs, could you please pass this on to them so even more people will participate? Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Pretty neat Julie. I love it when Organizations have cool fundraising projects like that. That'll be a HUGE ribbon! I hope they raise a ton of money for breast cancer.

    I found another cool Cancer fundraiser at SearchingForTheCure.org. It's a search engine, powered by Google, that makes a donation to cancer research groups everytime you click on an advertisement. It's pretty cool. You should check it out!


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