Monday, May 02, 2005

Color of the Year

Oh noooooo, The Color of the Year is an icky pastel, Tulip Violet.
But the color forecast for Fall 2005 are beautiful, and there's a purple (hooray!), and a beautiful blue called Moroccan Blue. I printed out the list, and I'm going to coordinate all my quilts to match these colors. No, seriously, I'm not going to do that, but I am going to use the colors as inspiration for something, maybe redecorating or new clothes.
And on that site I found a very cool combination of Pantone colors and astrology. What a great combo, very interesting! My colorstrology for my birthday was really accurate. Not too sure about the color, but, hey, it is worth painting a wall or something to see if it works!
Go find yours here Colorstrology

Isn't color fun to play with or just think about or hey, just look at? Oh and one more Pantone thingy, the Pantone Universe (can you spell h*u*b*r*i*s or is it just marketing gone wrong?)

1 comment:

  1. The colorstrology color for my birthday is something they call Cashmere Blue, which on my monitor is a rather nice shade of periwinkle and happens to be exactly the color of the shirt I'm wearing today! :-)

    The description was fairly accurate too, I thought.

    Thanks for the link, Julie. You come up with some fun stuff!


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