Sunday, January 16, 2011

That Was Some Week

Here is number 41 in the weekly series of six-word memoir quiltlets from last year.  Yes, it was surgery week, middle of October.  And no, I didn't complete this quiltlet actually in that week (obviously!), but soon thereafter.   This one is not too exciting or innovative, as far as materials go, the hospital bracelets are some type of Tyvek-ish material, easy to sew through, and the three circular metallic snap/plastic things are from the EKG. 
I wish I'd stolen one of my hospital gowns to use as the background, but I didn't think of it at the time (gee I wonder why?!).  The gowns were actually quite raggedy with a lot of fraying and holes which really surprised me. (so were the sheets now that I recall.)  I almost used red thread for the stitching, but thought that would be a bit too much since there was already the red-orange allergy tags.

Words say: "Surgery Over Quickly. Sent Home Fast".  And thank goodness for that.  As anyone knows who has ever spent the night in hospital, it is really hard to get any rest.  Even though they've got you on these great mind-wiping drugs, the nurses have to keep waking you up to take your blood pressure, etc.  I know, I know that it is necessary and all, but it is really irritating, and a good indicator of when it is time for me to get out of there and get home.  I was glad I ended up being there for only two nights, especially since it meant that the biopsy was normal, pshew!).  Guess this was a celebration quiltlet in a way.

The sewing machine needle got pretty gummed up as I sewed around the EKG discs, that glue that sticks the disc to your skin is really something.  I had to keep stopping and wiping the needle off with some rubbing alcohol.  It probably didn't have to be stitched as that glue wasn't going anywhere, but just in case...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Hope your year is off to a great start. 

Here is number 40 of last year's weekly six-word memoir quiltlets.
This quiltlet was made with mostly commercial scraps from a Thanksgiving/fall project I was working on, as well as a piece of metallic fabric and some of my hand-dyed scraps.  I threw in some glass beads at the top as well. 
I made this piece the week before my hip surgery was to take place and found that I wasn't comfortable having the words plainly spelled out.  Too hard to confront that closely I suppose, so I hid them with the metallic flocked fabric.
The words read: "Paralyzed By Fear Of What's Ahead". And so I was.  Hard to be that honest with yourself really, but I will say that I felt a lot better after I made this piece.  Somehow getting it down on the fabric and out of my head was a useful exercise.  Looking back a few months now, I'm sure glad to have gotten past the fear I was experiencing.
Just twelve more to show you now!