Yet another of the Exquisite Corpse projects has arrived home. This time it is Linda's, you can see the whole figure over at her blog TangoMusings. So this first picture shows my original fabric choices.
I first started in with some heavy satin stitching on the edges of each piece.But that purple triangle wanted to stay, but it just didn't look right after the stitching. So it was jettisoned in favor of....
Beads! Of course beads, always with the beads. A strange necklace of beads stitched along the neckline.A closeup shot so you can see the bone beads a little better, along with the supporting cast of round glass beads.
Oh, and don't forget to add the words: BELL SWEETLY, this time embroidered on. Made me think of Laverne and her script "L".
For even more Exquisite Corpse action, be sure and check out our group blog.