Monday, August 04, 2008

Cornucopia of Hotness

Hey, I had so much fun last month, that I'm Doing NaBloPoMo again for the month of August, this time around the theme is HOT. Hopefully that won't be a self-fulfilling weather prophecy, as I'm enjoying the mild summer temps lately. Luckily we don't need to stick to the theme to participate, just post every day. Which, I, ahem didn't do for the first three days of the month. Guesss I'll have to double up posts or something.


Check out this: A giant reproduction of a Kandinsky painting.


About a month ago I was lamenting having only one variety of daylily. I planted the daylilies that I ordered recently from Maryott's Garden. They look really healthy, and one of them has a flower stem already. I'll be surprised if they flower this year, but if they do I'll share a photo. The challenge will be keeping them in a moist situation while they get established. I planted them next to the daylilies I already have, those are already really happy there, so hopefully the new ones will fit right in.
The backyard excavation project is just about done, concrete next weekend. I have not been helping as I'm having a hard enough time just keeping the garden watered these days. The most I have done was going to supply continuous ice water and to go buy a new wheelbarrow, which I hear is quite "the jiggity bomb". The boys are pitching in and really helping out, it is especially nice having teenagers around when there is heavy lifting to do. The work foreman ( paying them off in cd's, we went and bought a bunch of new ones this weekend. More on that in a later post as I haven't listened to them all yet!

This is probably the grossest photo I've ever posted on my blog. But I wanted to compare and contrast the wash cloths that I recently dyed vs. the ones I bought but couldn't find anywhere when I went to dye them so I had to go buy more.

Well we found them all right! You should have heard the cries of eeews and disgusting. Buried in the garden near where the patio excavation is happening. Not sure how they got out there, but there they were. Now I have to say that they are an interesting collection of colors, and I haven't had much luck at dyeing in the brown range, so my first thoughts are to wash these out and see if any of the color changes are permanent. Unfortunately they weren't near any objects that would have rusted for some cool rusty marks. So, I'll do a washout and if they are at all interesting then I'll make something out of them, if not, maybe I'll cut them up and put them in some homemade paper.


I'm on the hunt for a new computer, probably getting a laptop (woot!) during all the back to school sales. We went out and looked at them yesterday and my mind was absolutely boggled with all the new gizmos out there, like the HP with the drawing tablet built right in to the screen, and the huge screen resolution on all the new screens, wowzer, so amazing. You get so accustomed to the computer setup that you use everyday that it is fun to go look at what the industry has come up with in the last few years since you last went computer shopping.

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